Dünya Klasikleri İngilizce Seti - 2 (10 Kitap)

Dünya Klasikleri (İngilizce) Seti - 2 10 Kitap Maviçatı Yayınları
1) The Call of Wild - Jack London
2) The Miser - Moliere
3) The Daughter of The Commandant - Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
4) What Men Live By - Lev Tolstoy
5) Ecce Homo - Friedrich Nıetzsche
6) Macbeth - William Shakespeare
7) From The Earth To The Moon - Jules Verne
8) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
9) Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
10) The Picture of dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Dünya Klasikleri (İngilizce) Seti - 2 10 Kitap Maviçatı Yayınları
1) The Call of Wild - Jack London
2) The Miser - Moliere
3) The Daughter of The Commandant - Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
4) What Men Live By - Lev Tolstoy
5) Ecce Homo - Friedrich Nıetzsche
6) Macbeth - William Shakespeare
7) From The Earth To The Moon - Jules Verne
8) The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
9) Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
10) The Picture of dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde