Human beings are creatures that try to adapt to their natural and social environment in order to survive from the moment they come to earth. Human is born in a society and lives in a number of groups from the moment he is born. Most of these groups are small groups. Small groups are one of the basic social units of society. For this reason, social groups have been among the subjects of sociology. While making sociological analysis, it is necessary to examine the individual, who is one of the elements that make up the social structure, his behavior and relations, and the types of social groups that emerge as a result of these relations, in order to contribute to the analysis of the whole. Classical Sociology generally studies comprehensive social structures, social institutions, historical and global processes of social life. On the other hand, Small Group Sociology deals with the action, interaction and group types that result from social relations between people.
With this study, it is aimed to fill the resource gap for Group Sociology or Sociology of Small Groups courses, especially in the curriculum of sociology departments of universities, and to contribute to the sociology literature needed in group analysis. In this respect, it is hoped that the work will be an important resource for academics, students and readers who are interested in the subject, especially those who need literature containing a micro-sociological perspective.
This work is a revised and expanded version of the out-of-print book, The Sociology of Small Groups, published in 2013. In this edition, the book has been made more systematic by making some changes in the plan of the book. In addition, it has been enriched in terms of content by adding topics that were felt to be lacking in previous editions.
In the first part of the work, information is given about the definition of the social group, its elements, its difference from temporary communities and its characteristics. In the second part, the subject, scope, method, purpose of Small Group Sociology, reasons and benefits of studying small groups are discussed. In the third chapter, the definition of small group, its formation, characteristics and history of examining small groups and the development of small groups sociology, which has emerged as a sub-branch of sociology, are given. In the fourth chapter, theories about group formation are discussed and analyzed. In the fifth chapter, group structure, attribute and functions are emphasized. In the sixth chapter, group goals and ideology are discussed. In the seventh chapter, leadership in social groups, the emergence of the leader, his qualities and functions and the types of leaders are emphasized. In the eighth chapter, detailed information about social group types is given.
I would like to thank my dear friends who contributed to every stage of this study, my family who prepared a peaceful working environment, and especially my very valuable colleague Dr. Görsev Bafralı and the University Administrative Board, who approved the publication of the book as Istanbul Gelisim University Publication.
Prof.Dr. Kamil KAYA
İstanbul – 2024
Human beings are creatures that try to adapt to their natural and social environment in order to survive from the moment they come to earth. Human is born in a society and lives in a number of groups from the moment he is born. Most of these groups are small groups. Small groups are one of the basic social units of society. For this reason, social groups have been among the subjects of sociology. While making sociological analysis, it is necessary to examine the individual, who is one of the elements that make up the social structure, his behavior and relations, and the types of social groups that emerge as a result of these relations, in order to contribute to the analysis of the whole. Classical Sociology generally studies comprehensive social structures, social institutions, historical and global processes of social life. On the other hand, Small Group Sociology deals with the action, interaction and group types that result from social relations between people.
With this study, it is aimed to fill the resource gap for Group Sociology or Sociology of Small Groups courses, especially in the curriculum of sociology departments of universities, and to contribute to the sociology literature needed in group analysis. In this respect, it is hoped that the work will be an important resource for academics, students and readers who are interested in the subject, especially those who need literature containing a micro-sociological perspective.
This work is a revised and expanded version of the out-of-print book, The Sociology of Small Groups, published in 2013. In this edition, the book has been made more systematic by making some changes in the plan of the book. In addition, it has been enriched in terms of content by adding topics that were felt to be lacking in previous editions.
In the first part of the work, information is given about the definition of the social group, its elements, its difference from temporary communities and its characteristics. In the second part, the subject, scope, method, purpose of Small Group Sociology, reasons and benefits of studying small groups are discussed. In the third chapter, the definition of small group, its formation, characteristics and history of examining small groups and the development of small groups sociology, which has emerged as a sub-branch of sociology, are given. In the fourth chapter, theories about group formation are discussed and analyzed. In the fifth chapter, group structure, attribute and functions are emphasized. In the sixth chapter, group goals and ideology are discussed. In the seventh chapter, leadership in social groups, the emergence of the leader, his qualities and functions and the types of leaders are emphasized. In the eighth chapter, detailed information about social group types is given.
I would like to thank my dear friends who contributed to every stage of this study, my family who prepared a peaceful working environment, and especially my very valuable colleague Dr. Görsev Bafralı and the University Administrative Board, who approved the publication of the book as Istanbul Gelisim University Publication.
Prof.Dr. Kamil KAYA
İstanbul – 2024